What is the rate of Innova per km in Nagpur?
₹15/km for One Way Travel, ₹16/km for Round Trip Travel.
What is the price of Innova Crysta taxi per km in Nagpur?
₹17/km for One Way Travel, ₹18/km for Round Trip Travel.
What is rate of Swift Desire taxi?
₹11/km for One Way Travel, ₹12/km for Round Trip Travel.
What is rate of Ertiga cabs in Nagpur?
₹14/km for One Way Travel, ₹15/km for Round Trip Travel.
How to book online cab in Nagpur?
There are multiple options to book a cab with Tanushree cabs, you can just call us on 8698454528 or send message on WhatsApp. Other way is you can fill a booking form on our website.
How much taxi cost from Nagpur to Wardha?
Cost of nagpur to wardha by sedan is ₹2850 for one way.
What is the km rate of Innova in Nagpur?
It is ₹16 for one way & ₹17 for round trip.
How much does it cost to take a taxi per kilometer in Nagpur?
Sedan ₹12
Ertiga ₹15
Innova ₹17
Crysta ₹18
Honda City ₹35
Can I book cab without app?
Yes, just fill up the form in our website and we will assist you with best package.
How are the taxi rates in Nagpur calculated?
The taxi rates in Nagpur are calculated based on the distance traveled and the type of vehicle chosen. for example for sedan we charge 13 rs per km then total rate of journey would be (km rate × kilometers travelled). we charge minimum 250 kilometers for outstation journey. The rates are competitive and affordable, and there are no hidden fees or surcharges.
What is the most convenient option for transportation in Nagpur?
The most convenient and hassle-free option for transportation in Nagpur is often a taxi service, as it provides the freedom and flexibility of having your own personal transportation without the stress of driving yourself.