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Nagpur to Chandrapur Cabs

Nagpur to Chandrapur Taxi

Nagpur to Chandrapur Taxi Service

Experience the utmost convenience in booking Nagpur to Chandrapur taxi with Tanushree Cabs. Take advantage of the best deals on Nagpur to Chandrapur cab services, featuring a diverse fleet including Swift, Dzire, Ertiga, Innova, and Innova Crysta, among others.

You have the flexibility to set your preferred pick-up time and location, and our taxis are guaranteed to be punctual, ensuring a stress-free journey from Nagpur. Tanushree Cabs is your ideal choice for Nagpur to Chandrapur car rentals with best rates and reliable cabs . Choose from various types of cars, including Hatchback, Sedan, SUV & MPVs.

Nagpur to Chandrapur Distance By Road

The road distance between Nagpur and Chandrapur is approximately 155 kilometers, and the journey typically takes around 3.30 hour by taxi.

Nagpur to Chandrapur Taxi Fare

For one way trip Nagpur to Chandrapur cab fare starts from Rs.3,800 & round trip taxi fare Rs.12/km for hatchback.

Vehicle One Way Round Trip Toll
Maruti Swift ₹3,800 ₹12/km Extra
Swift Dzire ₹4,100 ₹13/km Extra
Maruti Ertiga ₹4,850 ₹15/km Extra
Toyota Innova ₹6,200 ₹18/km Extra
Innova Crysta ₹5,400 ₹19/km Extra

Booking Nagpur To Chandrapur Cab Online

To book a taxi from Nagpur to Chandrapur with Tanushree Cabs, simply call us at 8698454528 or book online. Fill in your details, and one of our representatives will promptly contact you to confirm your booking.

About Chandrapur

Chandrapur is a historic city in Maharashtra, known for its rich cultural heritage and natural beauty. It is home to the famous Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve, a popular destination for wildlife enthusiasts. The city also boasts ancient temples, such as the Mahakali Mandir, and scenic spots like the Chandrapur Fort. With a blend of history, nature, and spirituality, Chandrapur offers a unique travel experience.

Places To Visit in Chandrapur

Visit Top Attractions In Chandrapur with Tanushree Cabs.

  1. Anchaleshwar Temple Fort
  2. Mahakali Mandir
  3. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Garden
  4. Bhadravati Jain Temple
  5. Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve

Read more on places to visit in chadrapur.

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